Tuesday 17 January 2023

How To Drive Safely In Winter

With weather reports saying that the UK can expect snow this week with temperatures dropping, we thought we’d remind our customers and website visitors of the importance of driving safely in snowy and icy conditions.

Here are a few tips to help you navigate these conditions and stay safe behind the wheel.

Slow Down

First and foremost, it is essential to slow down and increase your following distance.

Snow and ice can make it difficult to stop and manoeuvre, so giving yourself extra time and space to react to any obstacles or sudden stops is essential.

Additionally, it is important to avoid sudden movements, such as rapid acceleration or braking, as this can cause your vehicle to lose traction and slide.

Prepare For The Weather

Next, make sure your vehicle is properly equipped for winter driving.

This includes having good tires with sufficient tread depth, as well as making sure your windshield wipers and washer fluid are in good working condition.

It's also a good idea to keep an emergency kit in your car, including things like blankets, a flashlight, and a bag of sand or cat litter to help you escape a slippery situation.

Good Visibility

Another important aspect of driving in snow and ice is visibility.

Ensure your headlights and brake lights are clean and working properly, and use them even during the day to increase your visibility to other drivers.

Additionally, it is important to clear all snow and ice from your windows, mirrors, and lights before starting your trip to ensure maximum visibility.

Stay Alert

Finally, it is important to stay alert and aware of your surroundings.

Keep an eye out for other vehicles, pedestrians, and potential hazards on the road.

Additionally, be aware of weather conditions and adjust your driving accordingly.

If the weather is particularly bad, consider postponing your trip or taking an alternate route to avoid dangerous roads.

Driving in snow and ice requires extra caution and preparation.

By following these tips, you can stay safe on the road and navigate these conditions with confidence.

Remember to slow down, increase your following distance, properly equip your vehicle, maintain visibility and stay alert.

And if the conditions are too severe, it's always best to wait for it to clear up or take an alternate route.

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