Monday 2 December 2013

A Guide To Buying Used Cars

When looking at used cars, the list of things to watch out for could be endless. Because of this, it can be difficult to see if there’s anything wrong with the car. It could seem perfect but then a year down the line you could start seeing problems. As a general rule, if a deal seems like it could be too good to be true then it probably is. Hopefully though, you can avoid many of these by looking at this handy guide to buying used cars.

Good things to look for
Here are a few qualities that you want to see in a used car. If a car has been garaged for its entire life then you can bet that the bodywork is in good condition, no matter if the car is a few years old. Another good sign is if the car has had a minimal number of owners. One owner means that you have an idea of how the car has been driven, and can speak with the owner about the car. 

They will also likely have the full history of the car, which is a big advantage. If the mileage is reasonable, for example less than 10,000 per year, then this is also a good sign. However, if the mileage too good to be true then stay clear of the car.

Things to watch out for
Do some research on the internet about your car, and have a look at some guide prices. Make sure that the price meets your expectations and don’t get overcharged, even if it looks like a good deal. Similarly, check to see if there are any common faults with that particular model of car and if they appear on the one you are viewing.

Also have a look at the car. If there are any misaligned panels or unexplained discolouration in the bodywork this could indicate an accident which has not been documented properly. It could also indicate a possible ‘cut and shut’ job where two or more written off cars are fused together to create one vehicle. This can be extremely dangerous so make sure you view the car in a good light.

Hopefully you buy well, but if you find your used Vauxhall may need some spare vehicle parts then don’t hesitate, come to Megavaux for all your Vauxhall needs.

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